Thursday, January 26, 2006

so how how am I going to make the 20k I need to get out of debt? a blag, smuggling, invent a thingy,..... there must be something , I am a clever bloke if only I could apply myself to this problem.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Of course any normal man would think that if he put 1000's of pounds on to credit cards and took out loans for more at some point he would be unable to pay it back- now I ve spent it all on H mostly, and the cloud of forgivness is being blown away and guilt and terror replaces it. Two wonderful kids and lovely wife what Am I going to do? short of my parents dying and me inheriting a bundle (not very likely) I just dont know- maybe i could start a web site called .... a penny for your mate and every one who logged on could send a penny I would only need about 2million hits- if i had the motivation i would do it, get on the news chat shows.. but lets face it not a hope in hell i will explore it any further than this flight of fancy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

For those that look up to the sky pehaps you have noticed the great long white lines that look like 'contrails' - like exhast gas from a plane- but instead of dissapating after a minute or so they just hang there getting wider and in some cases actually making a cloud, really its true just keep looking and you will see this phenomena. Question is why? google chemtrails and you will find thousands of sites purpoting to know everything from mass poisening, weakening the imune system, reflecting back sunlight.... the government deny all knowledge so it does have the whiff of conspiracy about it - one current thought is that the bird flu outbreak is going to kill millions as the trails have been destroying the imune system or that part of it that could fight the infection. All very thrilling , it will come out at some point why the spraying is happening but will it be to late by then?

Monday, January 23, 2006

first thought

Are we what we believe us to be or are we what others belive us to be? I will try and and place on this blog my thoughts on the world as it is percieved in my brain which is to say at the time of writing which chemicals are swirling about the synapses.

My main interests lie in the esoteric, the unusual, fringe science, conspiracy and anything leftfield i suppose. I will post as often as I can today being the first will be short as i need to work on the presentation of the 'homepage'.